Saturday, August 31, 2019

Analysing Carbon Emissions From Pakistan Environmental Sciences Essay

The anthropogenetic CO2 emanations and planetary heating has alarmed worldly to happen new and better ways to run into the energy demand while cut downing the GHGs. Pakistan is besides badly affected by energy crisis and environmental jobs. Pakistan brick kilns are one of the major fluke gas emanation resources. The intent of this research is to develop a simulation theoretical account to relieve CO2 emanations and utilize it for the production of fertiliser that helps the agribusiness needs and economic system. The widely used MEA dissolver to capture flue gases is replaced by Aqueous Ammonia because the subsequently non merely absorbs all three major acid gases ( CO2, SO2 and NO2 ) to greater extent but besides produces a compound fertiliser from these acid gases which has advantage over other fertilisers and does non pollute the land H2O. It has been found that soaking up efficiency is increased with addition of NH3/CO2 molar ratio. This methodological analysis has been first clip introduced in Pakistan to bring forth a fertiliser from the flue gases of brick kilns. This technique can significantly cut down air pollution and a measure towards sustainability. The phenomenon of planetary heating has changed its form and converted itself to planetary warning. It is due to non merely the monolithic emanation of GHGs in the ambiance but besides deficiency of appropriate direction system to cut down the monolithic sum of the GHG. GHG chiefly consists of CO2, H2O bluess, methane and last but non least choloroflorocarbon. Harmonizing to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) , about three-quarterss of the addition in atmospheric CO2 is attributable to firing fossel fuels. [ IPCC, Climate Change 2001: impacts, version and exposure. Contribution of working group II to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press ; 2001. ] If the C in all the estimated dodo fuel militias were emitted to the ambiance, the C concentration would lift to more than 5 times pre-industrial degree. [ O'Neill BC, Oppenheimer M. Climate Change: Dangerous Climate impacts and the Kyoto proto col, Science 2002 ; 296 ( 5575 ) :1971-2. ] With mention to the IPCC anticipation, the ambiance would incorporate up to 570 ppm of CO2 by the terminal of 2100, doing a rise of mean planetary temperature of around 1.9o ­C and an addition in average sea degree of 3.8 m [ Stewart C, Hessami M.A survey of methods of C dioxide gaining control and sequestration- the sustainability of a photosynthetic bioreactor attack, Energy Convers Manage 2005 ; 46 ; 403-20 ] . Another IPCC studies on CO2 gaining control and storage gives planetary CO2 emanation in 2000 at 23.5GT with about 60 % of this attributed to 7887 beginnings above 100,000 tonne/year including 4942 electrical power Stationss which emitted 10.5GT/year CO2. the staying 40 % emanations were chiefly from transit systems. [ IEA particular study on C dioxide gaining control and storage, IPCC web site: ; 2005 ] . Other than power workss and cars brick kilns are besides lending in environmental pollution. Coal and wood are normally employed in the fabrication of bricks in Pakistan. The burning of coal and wood release C dioxide, methane, C atom, azotic oxide and a assortment of manufactured chemicals that do non happen in nature like Chlorofluorocarbons, ozone, C monoxide, non-methane hydrocarbons, ( NMHCs ) and nitrogen oxides [ 2 ] . Harmonizing to our appraisal there are more than 1000 brick kilns working in the locality of Lahore. The one-year production of bricks is about 46 million per twelvemonth from more than 6000 brick kilns in Pakistan. The emanations from Brick Kiln industry in Pakistan is at scaring degree. It has been estimated that about 533019 dozenss of untreated nursery gases are emitted from these kilns on one-year footing which contribute in assorted environmental jobs can be observed in table 1. [ 2 ] . The tallness of chimney is besides non high plenty because of which the somberness leans downwards to the land, finally fouling the country.Table 1: CO2 Emissions of states of PakistanState Probationary Division Green Houses Gases Emission ( tons/year ) Green Houses Gases Emission % age Punjab Entire 479467 89.96 Sindh Entire 34332 6.44 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Entire 14745 2.76 Balochistan Entire 4475 0.84 Grand Total 533019 100Figure 1: Pakistan CO2 emanation ( metric dozenss per capita )Figure 2: Word CO2 emanation ( metric dozenss per capita )Emissions from Brick kiln: The emanations from Brick Kiln industry in Pakistan is at scaring degree. The values of GHGs release calculated from the up matching to 6000 brick units established in the state are 139600, 19600, 495200, 2100, 360, 17 and 540 T severally for entire C ( C ) , C dioxide ( CO ) , C dioxide ( CO2 ) , methane CH4, azotic oxide ( NO ) , nitrogen dioxide ( N2O ) and NOx. It is apparent that GHGs emanations are dominated by C dioxide ( CO2 ) followed by CO and other non- CO2 gases. Projected parts of GHGs from the Punjab state to the state ‘s entire emanations are highest which can be observed in the Table 1. [ 2 ] . Environmental Issue: Environmental issues due to emanations of pollutants from burning of fossil fuels have turned into planetary jobs, every bit good as air toxics and nursery gases ( GHGs ) . The usage of fossil fuels for energy contributes to a figure of environmental jobs globally. Harmonizing to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) [ 1 ] , about three-quarterss of the addition in atmospheric CO2 is attributable to firing fossil fuels. Table 2 shows the harmful pollutants released into the ambiance from combustion of fossil fuels. If the C in all of the estimated dodo fuel militias were emitted to the ambiance, the C concentration would lift to more than 5 times pre-industrial degrees [ 2 ] .Table 2: Fossil fuel emanation degrees ( pounds/billion BTU of energy input )Pollutant Natural Gas Oil Coal Carbon dioxide 117000 164000 208000 Carbon monoxide 40 33 208 Nitrogen oxide 92 448 457 Sulphur oxide 1 1122 2591 Particulates 7 84 2744 Mercury 0.00 0.007 0.016 Entire 117140 165687.007 214000.016 Beginning: EIA Surveies have shown that increased GHG degrees in ambiance are believed to do planetary heating. Among these GHGs, CO2 makes up a high proportion in regard of its sum nowadays in the ambiance, lending 60 per centum of planetary heating effects [ 3 ] .World Consumption of FertilizerWorld fertiliser ingestion increased exponentially in the period 1950- 1990. This growing was spurred by the rise in nutrient demand by increasing universe population. Achieving higher production given the same sum of land can be done through three ways. Turning more land into cultivable land through better irrigation Using High Yielding Seeds ( HYS ) Using fertilisers to better dirt content Improvement in dirt content is the most convenient and often followed method. Furthermore, it has gained widespread usage as nutrient demand rises. The exponential growing in universe fertiliser ingestion experienced a brief downswing in the early 1990 ‘s due to the prostration of fertiliser ingestion in the states of cardinal Europe and the Former Soviet Union, following structural alterations and economic jobs. However station that brief downswing, growing in fertiliser ingestion is once more on the rise and rapid growing is expected to go on in the hereafter. Harmonizing to IFA estimations, the universe fertiliser ingestion is expected to make 199.2mntpa in 2030 from 174.7mntpa in 2015.Figure 3: World Fertilizer ConsumptionMeasure towards SustainabilityIt is clear that CO2 is the chief constituent that is present in surplus more than other pollutants and fouling the environment. To maintain the environment clean such techniques must be employed that non merely capture the CO2 and other gases and besides utilize them to bring forth a valuable merchandise from these flue gases. This thing will assist in economic system an d maintain the environment clean and finally capturing and transition of CO2 from flue gases into a valuable fertiliser ( NH4HCO3 ) is so the first measure towards sustainability.WorkThe Aqueous ammonium hydroxide is used as a dissolver to capture the fluke gases breathing from the brick kiln which non merely captures CO2, but besides SO2 and NOx. The ammonia solution after soaking up was found to incorporate ammonium hydrogen carbonate [ NH4HCO3 ] , ammonium sulphate [ ( NH4 ) 2SO4 ] , and ammonium nitrate [ NH4NO3 ] , which comprise a compound fertiliserFigure 4: the fluke gases CO2, SO2 and NOx from the stack of brick kiln are breathing. The reaction of aqueous ammonium hydroxide with CO2 non merely captures CO2 but besides give a by-product ; ammonium hydrogen carbonate ( NH4HCO3 ) used a fertiliserAbsorption ability of Aqueous Ammonia Vs MEAMEA ProcessAmine soaking up engineeringThe soaking up engineering which uses amine solution ( MEA ) is being used in natural gas industry f or 60 old ages and is considered as a mature engineering. Natural gas industry utilizes MEA to absorb CO2 from natural gas. The remotion of CO2 from burning fluke gas can be done by a figure of commercial MEA soaking up processes. In an absorbent, the MEA solution is allowed to hold a contact with fluke gas which consequences in the soaking up of CO2. When used in a power works, CO2 is entrapped by the dissolver while the fluke gas is bubbled through the dissolver in a jammed absorber column. Subsequently the captive CO2 is stripped off of the dissolver by counter fluxing steam at 100 to 200 grade Celsius in a regenerator unit. CO2 watercourse is concentrated ( up to 99 % ) due to the vaporization of H2O bluess and this watercourse can subsequently be compressed for commercial applications or storage. The procedure is economically hapless as it calls for a big equipment and intensive energy input. Recycle rate of CO2 for MEA is 98 % : The basic reaction for this procedure is: C2H4OHNH2+H2O+CO2>C2H4OHNH3++HCO3-Disadvantages of MEA procedureMEA procedure bears some defects which are: 1. Loading capacity of CO2 is little 2. Equipments confronts high corrosion rates 3. High absorptive make-up rate is generated by amine debasement chiefly because of SO2, NO2, HCl, HF and O in fluke gas 4. Energy ingestion is really high particularly during high temperature absorbent regeneration When the CO2 is entrapped from coal or crude oil derived burning fluke gas, hints of sulphur dioxide should besides be removed to avoid debasement of MEA by SO2 and O meanwhile irreversible debasement merchandises are constituted. The cost of MEA procedure is high on history of debasement even if all of the SO2 is removed from the fluke gas by using a desulphurization unit. Oxides of N should besides be dispatched organize the fluke gas to maintain up the emanation bounds.Figure 5: Degradation MEA by CO2 and O2The cost of MEA make-up is high because of debasement, even after most of the SO2 is removed from the fluke gas in an upstream fluke gas desulphurization unit. NOx must besides be finally removed from the fluke gas before it is discharged into the air in order to run into present and future gaseous emanation bounds.Advantages of Aqueous Ammonia over MEAReplacement of widely used MEA procedure by individual Aqua Ammonia procedure can ensue in the gaining control of all three maj or acid gases along with HCl and HF which might be in the fluke gas. Since emanations of SO2 and NOx must maintain up certain emanation bounds, a individual procedure is more than plenty to cut down the capital cost by capturing all the acid gases and besides simplify the complexness of emanation control system. Presently there is no emanation bound on CO2 but clip is non far off when it will besides hold a restricted emanation bound. Sulpher dioxide and O in flue gases can bring on equipment corrosion ; the Aqua Ammonia Process can acquire over this job by cut downing absorptive make-up rate. Another advantage of the Aqua Ammonia procedure over the MEA procedure is that the energy demand for absorptive regeneration is predicted to be really low. Beforehand it was approximated that thermic energy ingestion for CO2 regeneration utilizing the Aqua Ammonia Process could be at least 75 % less than the MEA procedure. Many other economical grounds are besides at that place to back up the ammonium hydroxide procedure The profitable by-products, ammonium hydrogen carbonate ( NH4HCO3 ) ammonium sulphate ( ( NH4 ) 2SO4 ) and ammonium nitrate ( NH4NO3 ) are produced, used as a fertiliserAdvantage of production of NH4HCO3China had been preferring ammonium carbonate as a N fertiliser for about 30 old ages. It is already elaborated that when ammonium carbonate is used as a nitrogen fertiliser deep in the dirt its action of work is merely similar urea and ammonium sulfate. As we know that carbonates react with alkalic Earth minerals ( Ca, Mg ) ensuing in the formation of carbonated minerals. Excessive usage of land H2O may do high degrees of alkaline minerals in dirts as in the western United States ; the hydrogen carbonate from ammonium carbonate non merely neutralizes alkalic species but besides deoxidizes salt into stable compounds like H2O and Ca carbonate. HCO3-+Ca2++OH->H2O+CaCO3v Solid merchandises like CaCO3 are a absolutely stable signifier of cloistered CO2 ( Fig. ) . Furthermore, dirt had a capableness to move as a engagement stuff which held back NH4+ but allow HCO3- dribble down with rainfalls or irrigation to land H2O which was already enriched with alkalic minerals Ca2+ . Consequently carbonates reacted with alkalic minerals in land H2O ensuing in the deposition of carbonated minerals in the undersoil Earth bed ( fig. 5A ) . Dirt atoms are negatively charged therefore it attracts positively charged ions but repel negative ions due to its higher affinity for positively charged species ( NH4+ ) as compared to negatively charged species ( HCO3- ) .Figure 6:There upon when ammonium nitrate is used as a fertiliser, NO3- over flows with H2O which non merely consequences in the want of the fertiliser but besides taint of land H2O. Carbonates are non as unsafe species as nitrates because those do non do wellness jobs therefore NH4HCO3 and ( NH2 ) 2CO are preferred fertilisers. Groundwater motion takes carbonates to the Earth subsurface every bit deep as 500 to 1000 m where they deposits as carbonated mineralsFigure 7: Loss of fertiliser and taint of land H2O by utilizing NH4NO3It is obvious that use of NH4NO3 as fertiliser contaminates the land H2O and NO3- is easy run off where as when NH4HCO3 is used as a fertiliser could cut down the job of NO3- overflow and does non pollute the land H2O.MethodologyAqueous Ammonia ProcedureIt has been proposed that the widely utilised MEA procedure is replaced with aqueous ammonium hydroxide procedure to capture all three major acid gases ( SO2, NOx, CO2 ) plus HCl and HF, which may co-exist in the fluke gas. Since SO2 and NOx emanations must stay by with certain emanation bounds, a individual procedure to capture all acidic gases is expected to cut down the sum cost and complexness of emanation control systems. Unlike the MEA procedure, the Aqua Ammonia Process ( AAP ) is non expected to hold absorptive debasement jobs that are caused by sulfur dioxide and O in fluke gas nor is it expected to do equipment corrosion. The application of ammonium hydroxide for coincident decrease of SO2, NOx and quicksilver has besides been reported [ 31 ] . Different theoretical accounts and methods have been proposed and tested. In our theoretical account, we have chosen Aqueous ammonium hydroxide as the dissolver. The theoretical account was developed on HYSYS 3.2. General NRTL was selected as the fluid bundle. This unstable bundle is rather various and it non merely accommodates the belongingss of our system constituents but besides the aqueous and assorted solvent systems. The flow-sheet of our theoretical account is shown in Fig. 3 Flue gas enters the absorber from the underside to the top through the absorber where interacts in counter-clock manner with aqueous ammonium hydroxide dissolver ( NH3+H2O )Table 3: Flue gas composing from brick kilnSr. Number Component Mole Percentage 1 N2 71 2 Carbon dioxide 6.06 3 Carbon monoxide 3.94 4 NO2 8.89 5 Water 3.11 6 H2 2.12 7 SO2 4.88Procedure ChemistryThe procedure of soaking up of CO2 by aqueous ammonium hydroxide involves a complex chemical gas-liquid reaction [ 1 ] , whose general chemical reaction look follows: NH3+H2O+CO2>NH4HCO3 ( 1 ) In fact, there are a series of in-between reaction procedures incorporated: NH3+CO2>NH2COONH4 ( 2 ) NH2COONH4 hydrolyzes into NH4HCO3:NH2COONH4+H2O>NH4HCO3+NH3 ( 3 ) Besides, ammonium hydroxides can respond with H2O to make NH4OH: NH3+H2O>NH4OH ( 4 ) NH4HCO3 produced by hydrolytic reaction will respond with NH4OH to make ( NH4 ) 2CO3: NH4HCO3+NH4OH> ( NH4 ) 2CO3 ( 5 ) ( NH4 ) 2CO3 absorbs CO2 and creates NH4HCO3 ( NH4 ) 2CO3+H2O+CO2>2NH4HCO3 ( 6 ) Spraying aqueous ammonium hydroxide into fluke gas non merely captures CO2 but besides absorbs hints of SOx and NOx from the fluke gas in conformity with the undermentioned chemical equations: NOx+SOx+H2O>HNO3+H2SO4 ( 7 ) HNO3+H2SO4+NH3>NH4NO3+ ( NH4 ) 2SO4 ( 8 ) The merchandise formed ammonium hydrogen carbonate ( NH4HCO3 ) has been used as a N fertiliser in China for over 30 old ages. It has been good demonstrated that when NH4HCO3 is placed into deep dirt, its nitrogen fertilisation consequence on harvests is similar to that of other N fertilisers, such as ( NH4 ) 2SO4 and urea. The intent of this work is to relieve the emanation of CO2 from the selected brick kiln, as this gas is among the major perpetrators doing green-house consequence which has finally resulted in drastic and black conditions alterations and temperature-rise to alarming degrees across the Earth. Each twelvemonth the add-on of Carbon dioxide entirely from the brick industry of Pakistan is 35072.65. Gas soaking up has so far been the most utile and advantageous technique which has been covered good in the subdivision station C techniques. Experimental The CO2 soaking up rate surveies were performed in an absorber in dynamic simulation environment on hysys 3.2. shown in Figure 3. The temperature of gases breathing from top of the brick kilns is in the scope of 120 to 150 & A ; deg ; C. The composing of the flue gasses were found utilizing industrial burning and emanation analyser ( E8500, USA ) which is shown in Table 2. Aqueous Ammonia solution is passed through a ice chest in order to diminish the temperature of aqueous ammonium hydroxide temperature, as it gives best consequence at low temperature, introduced from top of the column through valve. The fluke gas is introduced through from the underside of an absorber through a pump that increases its flow rate. In absorber counter flow soaking up takes topographic point and as a consequence, most of the CO2, SOx and NOx are absorbed and a by-product, NH4HCO3, is produced, which is widely used as fertiliser.Figure 8: Procedure flow sheetAbsorber DesignIn our Hysys theoretical accou nt we selected an absorber for the soaking up of flue gases. We used different temperature force per unit area conditions for absorber in order to the happen the best soaking up efficiency and cipher the no. of phases. We found that after nine plates the soaking up efficiency is decreased as shown in graph, and maximal soaking up is achieved utilizing aqueous ammonium hydroxide in an absorber of nine home bases.Figure 9: No of phases Vs mole fraction of CO2 absorbedIn our HYSYS theoretical account, we varied different parametric quantities ( i.e. Temperature, Pressure, Flow-rate, Aqueous Ammonia concentration etc. ) and examined the resulting per centum of CO2 absorbed.Consequences and DiscussionThe rate of soaking up is affected by variables such as temperature, force per unit area, flow-rate, solvent per centum etc. all these variables were manipulated to analyze their consequence on soaking up with the aid of ensuing tabular arraies and tendencies. The consequences of all these p arametric alterations are discussed one by one.Consequence of Flow rate on CO2 Absorption:The consequences obtained by simulation of our HYSYS theoretical account show understanding with the standard findings that there is addition in soaking up with that of addition in flow rate. In our HYSYS theoretical account, we used different flow-rates and it has been found that soaking up efficiency is increased with addition of NH3/CO2 molar ratio as shown in Fig. At about a NH3/CO2 molar ratio of approximately 1.5, the highest CO2 soaking up efficiency was measured at approximately 97 % and 100 % for instance of NOx and SOx. In our simulation theoretical account at 230kgmole/hr the maximal soaking up of 97 % of CO2 is observed. At high flow rate i.e. after 230 kilogram mol/hr the consequence of flow rate on soaking up does non demo the same increasing tendency. Model with different fluctuation of temperature was simulated but here the coincident consequence of flow rate between 20 & A ; de g ; C to 30 & A ; deg ; C on soaking up of CO2 have been shownFigure 10: Molar ratio of NH3/CO2 Vs CO2 Absorbed %Figure 11: Consequence of flow rate of Aq.NH3 on soaking up of CO2Consequence of Temperature on CO2 Absorption:It is a good known fact that temperature is reciprocally related to the rate of soaking up, our simulation theoretical account besides gives the correspondent consequences. The system temperature was varied from 15 & A ; deg ; C to 40 & A ; deg ; C with different solvent per centum ( 10.5 % , 14 % and 20 % ) and there was a grade lessening in soaking up rate with the increasing temperature and addition in soaking up with lessening in temperature. The ensuing graph is shown.Figure 10: Consequence of Temperature on CO2 soaking upConsequence of NH3 concentration in solution on soaking up rateThe effects of ammonia concentration on CO2 soaking up rate are shown in graph. As the CO2 soaking up reaction progresses, the rates are higher for the solutions with higher amm onium hydroxide concentrations. As expected, CO2 took longer to divide through the solutions holding higher ammonia concentration. For overall absorptive of CO2, the information forms indicate out that it is more advantageous to utilize a higher concentration ammonia solution as CO2 absorbent. The decisions are the same at all three reaction temperatures. By utilizing 20 % AA at 15 & A ; deg ; C 96 % maximal soaking up is observed. Therefore 20 % AA solution was selected as the optimal solution.DecisionIn this work, a theoretical account has been developed and simulated, which aims at the control of CO2 gas which is continuously come ining to the environment from the brick industry in Pakistan and bring forth a fertiliser from the flue gases. It is for the first clip that the brick industry in Pakistan has been analyzed with this position that by spraying aqueous ammonium hydroxide into existent fluke gas produced by a brick kiln can non merely gaining control CO2 but besides absorb SO2 and NOx from the fluke gas a nd specially gives a compound fertiliser as a by-product.Presently, there is merely one known commercial procedure that uses ammonium hydroxide to at the same time take SO2 and NOx from fluke gas within one reactor and bring forth assorted ammonium sulfate and nitrate fertiliserThe soaking up efficiency of CO2, SO2, and NOx in existent fluke gas from a coal-burning installation varies depending on the reaction conditions. The soaking up efficiency of CO2 and SO2 was found to increase with an addition in the concentration of aqueous ammonium hydroxide. Over the NH3/CO2 molar ratio of 1 to 1.5 that was tested, and maximum the CO2 gaining control efficiency was measured at 1.5 is 97 % . The aqueous ammonium hydroxide soaking up solution was found to incorporate a assorted crystalline of ammonium hydrogen carbonate [ NH4HCO3 ] , ammonium sulphate [ ( NH4 ) 2SO4 ] , and ammonium nitrate [ NH4NO3theiˆ ] chief constituents of a compound fertiliser. The captive CO2 in the aqueous ammonium hydroxide solution is in the signifier of HCO3 – and CO3 -2. For a certain molar ratio of NH3/CO2, there is a balanced concentration of HCO3 – and CO3 -2 in the assorted ammonia solution. By spraying the assorted ammonia solution into flue gas incorporating CO2, higher NH4HCO3 content ( higher HCO3 – concentration ) in assorted solution can be obtained.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Early Education Program Essay

The best way to set up an early childhood program is to provide visual stimulating environments combined with spaces children can call their own. The best way I can set up an infant/Toddler classroom with everything I learned thus far would be to use a few simply approaches and theories in our school setting. Each class has a daily schedule that is posted and followed. The class schedule starts from 6:00 am-6:00 pm. The routine must include diaper changes/potty training every hour. Our children must have outdoor time twice a day (weather permitting) and bottled feeding of infants are on demand while our toddlers eat three meals a day starting at 8:30, 11:30, and 2:30. Along with this schedule, the staff create open centers and teach creative curriculum even as young as six weeks in our program. Infants/toddlers are always learning and absorbing their surroundings. We as staff are their first teachers in life. They are natural copycats. I choose this age group of infant/toddlers because I believe this is a very important stage in a child’s life. Infants/toddlers learn by watching what we do no matter if it’s a positive action or a negative one. They will copy us its just what they do. So being mindful of how we talk and move and our tone really sets the mood for their learning. In my infant/toddler program, there are many things I would like to see happen and the way I would approach it is by teaching my staff how to apply The Creative Curriculum approach. This is a comprehensive early childhood educational system that emphasizes a practical, easy to understand approach to working with children. It promotes the use of interest areas as a way of providing experiences that promote cognitive, social, and physical and language development. (Teaching strategies gold). I would use this method by setting up everything in the class at eye level. The children need to be able to see and touch everything. Sensory is very important at this age and allowing the infants access to their surroundings helps build their social emotional and physical needs. Children learn through play and every day life experiences and creative curriculum allows me the ability to let them play and learn at the same time. Our teachers will set up their classroom in areas that allow for science, math, literacy, music, art, and dramatic play. Friedrich Froebel is a huge part of education, he saw children as having an innate desire to learn, and he believed that children needed to be active in their own learning and Respect with which the individuality and ability of each child should be treated; â€Å"the importance of creating a happy, harmonious environment in which he or she can grow; and the value of self-activity and play as a foundation on which the integrated development of the whole person can be built. † (Friedrich Froebel 1782-1852). I choose this approach because it relates to the type of classrooms I envision in our program because Froebel stated, â€Å"Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood, for it alone is the free expression of what is in a child’s soul. † He also believed that children were like flowers because they varied and needed care, alone they are beautiful but together they are glorious. I have learned in my career that infants/toddlers are all unique and learn at different paces and levels. Froebel’s teachings used things like free play, games, songs, stories, and crafts to stimulate imagination while developing physical and motor skills. Creative curriculum is all about gross motor and fine motor skills as well. Both of these tie so well into each other that it makes for excellent observations when shadowing the child. There are a lot of ways we can teach our infant/Toddlers cognitive, social- emotional, and physical development skills, even at this early age. By having centers set up around our classrooms that allow our staff to teach them these tools is easy to execute. Our children learn these things through creative curriculum in our program. For example Math! Singing a simple song such as â€Å"This little piggy† Wiggle your toes! Twirl your fingers! Reciting favorite nursery rhymes is an engaging way for your child to learn to count. â€Å"Turning your favorite nursery rhymes into counting games for kids is an engaging way for your child to learn to count and begin understanding one-to-one correspondence. † (PBS. ORG) My staff can sing these kinds of songs during diaper changes or while laying/sitting on the floor. And example of how this activity would be done is the following: Recite to your child the classic nursery rhyme â€Å"This Little Piggy Went to Market. † As you say each line, softly squeeze one of your child’s fingers or toes and say a number in sequence from 1 to 5: This little piggy went to market. (Softly squeeze a thumb or big toe and say, â€Å"That’s one! †) This little piggy stayed home. (Softly squeeze a second finger or toe and say, â€Å"That’s two! †) This little piggy had roast beef (or tofu or ice cream). (Softly squeeze a third finger or toe and say, â€Å"That’s three! †) This little piggy had none. (Softly squeeze a fourth finger or toe and say, â€Å"That’s four! †) This little piggy cried â€Å"Wee-wee-wee! † all the way home. (Softly squeeze a pinkie finger or toe and say, â€Å"That’s five! †) Reading is very crucial at this age so it should be a daily part of our curriculum. Examples to implement this would be Recite nursery rhymes and sing songs to your younger infants in the classroom. Early infancy is a good time to begin reciting and singing rhyming songs. Studies have shown that nursery Rhymes calm and soothe babies and believe it or not theses are the first stories they will begin to learn and memorize. Around baby’s first birthday, my teachers should establish a regular reading routine. At this age, many babies will enjoy looking at a specific book that has been read over and over, the lead teacher will choose to implement this book in his/her circle time. Teachers can let the child sit in their lap and touch the book and turn the pages. Teachers can point out objects and really let them connect with what’s on the page. Science is learned primarily through sensory exploration of the world. Explores objects in many different ways (e. g. , shaking, banging, throwing, dropping). Repeats an action to make it happen again, experiencing cause and effect (e. g. , dropping items off highchair tray). All of these examples allow our infant/toddlers to explore and learn at their own pace. According to the NAEYC standards its our job as teachers and Administrators is to promote a healthy environment for our children that respectful, supportive, and challenging to them. NAEYC also states that family and community support is huge part of their educational future, I have parent volunteer forms that allow my parents to come in a read to our toddlers during circle time. I encourage them to come and join the crafts we do as well as start communication logs. This is the foundation and core of what early Ed. Is all about. Another standard our program met is doing weekly observations on the infant/toddlers to see where they are. My observations are done in each area to give me and my staff a  better idea of where the child is at and what things we need to do to help if the child is lacking in any area. An example of this would be if a teacher has an infant that reaches out for him/her as soon as he/she sees them and starts smiling. This is a social/emotional observation because the infant is showing recognition of who they are and making a connection with them. Infants that cry and then suck their thumbs to self soothe is showing cognitive observations by taking care of ones needs. This infant has figured out how to meet her needs by self-soothing. These are areas we must be trained in to observe and document according to NAYEC standards. Another standard is standard five building meaningful curriculum. â€Å"Candidates prepared in early childhood degree programs a) use their knowledge of academic disciplines to design, implement, and evaluate experiences that promote positive development and learning for each and every young child. Candidates understand the importance of developmental domains and academic (or content) disciplines in early childhood curriculum. They b) know the essential concepts, inquiry tools, and structure of content areas, including academic subjects, and can identify resources to deepen their understanding. Candidates c) use their own knowledge and other resources to design, implement, and evaluate meaningful, challenging curriculum that promotes comprehensive developmental and learning outcomes for every young child. (NAYEC)An example of this is the lesson plan listed below to show how our teachers implement this in the Toddler classroom. The role we as administrator’s play is very different from the teachers because it is our job to make sure our school runs smoothly. As the director I over see the day-to-day routines in the classrooms. I help my teachers with lesson plans by approving them or teaching them what things they need to add or find appropriate activities for the children. With our school be accredited by NAYEC. I make sure we follow all curriculum based guidelines within that. I send all my teachers to training to give them the tools to be able to apply creative curriculum and I am here to make sure all policies and procedures are being followed to ensure we are living up to our philosophy, vision, and mission statements. Our program believes in parent and community involvement we promote that by inviting them into their child’s classroom, we stand by our vision of providing our teachers with the best trainings and educational support possible. Lastly our Philosophy Children learn through play and need to be able to have the freedom to thrive and learn from one another. No two children are the same so their learning process should not be the same! When you know better you do better! We believe in allowing our children to take part in what they learn and how they learn. You need to excite an interest to learn within a child instead of making it a chore. (Week 1, dis 1) REFERENCES Thoman, E. , & Browder, S. (1995, January 1). Infant/Toddler Caregiving A Guide to Cognitive Development and Learning. Infant/Toddler Caregiving: A Guide to Cognitive Development and Learning. Retrieved June 11, 2014, from http://clas. uiuc. edu/fulltext/cl03256/cl03256. html http://www. pbs. org/parents/education/math/activities/baby-toddler/ http://teachingstrategies. com/ http://www. naeyc. org/ http://www. pgpedia. com/f/friedrich-froebel Gadzikowski, A. (2013). Administration of early childhood education programs. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Study Of The Term Gifted In America History Essay

The earliest known reference of the term gifted in America can be traced back to 1868. It was in St. Louis in 1868 that the overseer of schools in St. Louis made attempts to addressed the instruction of talented pupils. In 1901 a school in Worster, Massachusetts was the first school to offer a particular school for the gifted. Curiously plenty, the following important development in the history of the gifted in America must get down in Europe, as the developments there had an impact upon the capable affair of the history of the gifted in America. In 1905, two Gallic research workers, Binet-Simon, created a method of analyzing higher mental processes.2 The Binet-Simon â€Å" trial was used to assist place school-aged kids who were mentally retarded. â€Å" 3 After the Binet-Simon trial in France, three major developments in the history of the gifted in America occurred from 1916-1918. The first of the three major developments occurred in 1916. Though the capable affair of this paper , the â€Å" History of Gifted in America, † evidently involves the gifted in America, it must get down with this European milepost of the work competed in France because the Binet-Simon trial, â€Å" the first practical intelligence graduated table † 4, would be subsequently revised by an American research worker by the name of Lewis Terman, who is otherwise known as the â€Å" male parent † of the talented instruction movement.5 The alteration would subsequently be known as the Stanford-Binet trial in 1916.6 The alteration of the Binet-Simon trial by Terman resulted in the celebrated nomenclature, I. Q. or intelligence quotient. The following major development in the history of the gifted in America involves the Great War. After being thrust into the mist of the Great War by the Zimmerman Note, a finding was made by military functionaries in America to use two trials â€Å" to measure the aptitude of nonreader, untaught, or non-English speech production conscripts and voluntaries, † for the war,7 ( of which Lewis Terman played a cardinal function as well.8 ) In 1917, the alpha and the Beta trials were used by the armed forces. Harmonizing to a web site entitled ASVAB, â€Å" In 1917-1918, the Army alpha and Beta trials were developed so that military commanding officers could hold some step of the ability of their forces. The Army Alpha was a group-administered trial that measured verbal ability, numerical ability, ability to follow waies, and cognition of information. The Army Beta was a non-verbal opposite number of the Army Alpha. â€Å" 9 The 3rd major accomplishment I the field of the gifted in America occurred in 1918. It was in 1918 that Lulu Stedman established an â€Å" chance room † for talented pupils within the University Training School at the Southern Branch of the University of California. â€Å" 10 During the mid-twentiess, four achievements contributed to the development of the history of the gifted in America. With the end of helping in the creative activity of a system of meritocracy, which is a â€Å" societal order based on graded degrees of native ability † ,11 in 1921Lewis Terman conducted the longest running longitudinal survey of about 1500 pupils. Terman ‘s intent for carry oning the survey was to confute the belief â€Å" that gifted kids were underdeveloped in nonintellectual countries. â€Å" 12 Ultimately, Terman concluded that talented kids excelled in academic countries and were emotionally secure.13 The 2nd development in the country of the gifted in America occurred one twelvemonth subsequently. In 1922, Leta Hollingsworth of Columbia University, an advocator for working with talented pupils in New York, opened an â€Å" Opportunity category in P.S. 165 in New York City † 14. The following two events concerned publications of the two rese arch workers mentioned supra. In 1925 Lewis Terman published Genetic Studies of Genius which concluded that â€Å" a ) qualitatively different in schools, B ) somewhat better physically and emotionally in comparing to normal pupils, degree Celsius ) higher-up in academic topics in comparing to the mean pupils, vitamin D ) emotionally stable, e ) most successful when instruction and household values were held in high respect by the household, and degree Fahrenheit ) boundlessly variable in combination with the figure of traits exhibited by those in the studyaˆÂ ¦ † 15 The 2nd work was published by Leta Hollingsworth in 1926. Hollingsworth ‘s work was entitled the Gifted Child: Their Nature and Raising and was considered the first text edition on talented instruction. Ten old ages subsequently Hollingsworth established P.S. 500, the Speyer School which was focused upon supplying instruction for gifted Children.16 Though a handful of research workers were working hard to convey attending to the gifted in America, the beginning of the Cold War would catapult the issue of the gifted in America to the head of many of the issues confronting the state in the 1950s and catapult the American authorities into the treatment of the gifted in America. In 1950 J.P. Guilford challenged â€Å" an scrutiny of intelligence as a multidimensional concept † , and the â€Å" National Science foundation Act provid ( erectile dysfunction ) federal support for research and instruction in mathematics, physical scientific discipline, and technology. â€Å" 17 In 1954, the â€Å" National association of Gifted kids † was established under the leading of ann Issacs, in add-on to the determination of Brown v. Board of Education which ended the â€Å" separate but equal † philosophy in education.18 after the successful launching of the Sputnick ballistic capsule in 1957 by the Union of Soviet Social ist Republics, the United States was forced to concentrate its attending on its â€Å" human capital † and the province of instruction in America. The United States began to pass big amounts of capital in an effort to place â€Å" the brightest and gifted pupils who would outdo net income from an advanced math, scientific discipline, and engineering. â€Å" 19 the following twelvemonth, the â€Å" National Defense Education Act † signaled the first full graduated table enterprise by the federal authorities in the country of the gifted in America.20 In 1972 the Marland Report issued a formal definition of giftedness and suggested that schools adopt a definition which would include academic and rational endowment in add-on to leading ability, ocular ability and psychomotor ability.21 In 1974, the â€Å" Office of the Gifted and Talented † was given official status.22 Approximately ten old ages subsequently another study, issued by the Secretary of the Department of Education declared that the United States of America was at hazard due to a â€Å" rising tide of averageness that threatens the really hereafter of the country.23 In 1988 a strong advocate of the gifted in America, United States Senator Jacob Javitz was recognized in an passage which, bearing his name sought to supply capital for research â€Å" into the best schemes to assist talented pupils † in America and by placing â€Å" pupils from hapless backgrounds, non-English † talking backgrounds and ‘the disabled to take part in talented instr uction. â€Å" 24 Ten old ages after the â€Å" State at Risk † study issued by the United States Department of Education, another study was issued by the United States Department of Education entitled â€Å" National Excellence † . In this 1993 study sketch how America neglected talented pupils in the state and offered some recommendations on how to proceed.25 In 1998, â€Å" the National association for Gifted Children published a papers entitled â€Å" Pre-K-Grade 12 Gifted Plan Standards † to supply counsel in seven cardinal countries to plan helping gifted and talented pupils † 26 Finally, in the Twenty first century the â€Å" No Child Left behind statute law was enacted. This jurisprudence efficaciously reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. â€Å" The Javitz plan is included in NCLB, and expanded to offer competitory statewide grants. † The definition of the term gifted was modified.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Mali Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Mali - Essay Example In fact, some of the same the Muslim historians and scholars that have written about Ghana have also provided a written record of Mali (Jackson, 1970). For example, Ibn Khaldun, a Muslim scholar working out of Islamic Spain in the 15th century, wrote about both Ghana and Mali. Islamic scholars must have paid a great of attention to Mali because its rulers converted to Islam, and subsequently spread it throughout Africa. The richness of the historical record of Mali allows a history of this great civilization to be reconstituted (Jackson, 1970). The geographical borders of Mali where similar to the former boarders of Ghana. The similarities exist because Mali was once a feudal territory that rose to fill a void after Ghana had fallen at the hands of the Susu. In his Kitab al-'Ibar Ibn Khaldun indicates that Mali occupied Ghana's former boarders (Davidson, 1991). He writes, "Much later the population of Mali grew to such an extent that it became dominate over all over this region (i.e. the area formerly ruled by Ghana)" (Khaldun, 1969 p.1). In the early history of Mali, during the reign of Al-Malik al-Nasir, Mali extended its borders west to the Atlantic Ocean. To the north, Mali occupied the upper portions of the Sahara. To the south, Mali extended down the Niger River past the city of Djenne, which is located on marshy land in the middle of the Niger River, it is referred to as an island. To the East, the kingdom stretched to a city called Takrur; this included much of the Sahara. Originally the kingdom of Mali started expanding from the top of the Niger River (Davidson, 1991). Starting from the city of Timbuktu, Mali steadily conquered the lands that lay down stream. These areas included the towns of Djenne, located on series of mashes and lakes that lies close to the Niger River, and Kawkaw, thought to be the modern-day city of Gao. Controlling the Niger River and the cities that lie on its banks were important for trade and travel (Jackson, 1970). The Niger was a central artery of commerce for both West and North African trade routs. The importance of the Niger can also be seen in the fact that Mali's capital city, which changed many times, was often located on that river. Mali's control of the Niger River, and these important cities, helped it to grow and prosper (Davidson, 1991). By the 18th century, Mali was in a semi anarchic state. Two empires emerged that opposed French invasion, the Tukolor Empire of al- Hajj Umar (1794-1864) and the Somori Toure (1870-98). During this time the region saw a resurgence of Islam. But in later years Mali was conquered and became the French Sudan, part of the Federation of French West Africa (Jackson, 1970). Mali Today Thanks to its rich and ancient past, Mali has become a country of great ethnic diversity with nearly two dozen different ethnic groups living within its borders. The main groups are the Mande (including the Bambara, Malinke, Soninke, Mandinka, Mende, Susu, Dialonke, and Dyula), Peul (or Fulani), Voltaic, Songhay, Tuareg, and Moor. Some other groups include the Dogon, Bozo, and Bobo. The single largest ethnic group is the Bambara also known as Bamana. This name recalls the era when the influence of Islam was spreading through Africa, yet this group of rural farmers refused to convert to a new religion and kept alive their traditional way of life. Bambara means "infidel" or

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Forensics and security report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Forensics and security report - Essay Example It is within this background therefore that this particular report intends to provide an analysis on security assessment touching on the processes involved, the key technologies used and the necessity for forensic procedures and policies. With the increased dependence on the computer systems, the risk relating to information security has no doubt joined a range of risks that organizations have to manage (Landoll, 2011). Regardless of the risk type, all risk assessments normally contain the following processes: Defining the Security Domain: This step involves the identification of the major security areas that are deemed vulnerable to security risks or simply the identification of the risk within a chosen domain/field of interest. Risks are often about events ,as a result, their identification can begin with finding out their sources, which may be either internal or external Identifying Assets: This stage involves identifying as well as determining the value, sensitivity, as well as the criticality of not only the assets but also the operations that may be affected if a given threat occursto ascertain the operations and even assets that are most significant. The step often involves classifying that which is significant or of value to the organization including the tangible assets such as the data processing machines/equipment, buildings and employees, as well as the intangible assets, which may include the intellectual property Identifying threats: This step involves detecting threats deemed to harm and, therefore, seriously affect not only the critical operations but assets as well. The threats may include things such as disgruntled employees, intruders, terrorists, criminals and even natural disasters. Identifying Vulnerabilities: This entails identifying and estimating the probability that given threats may materialize by relying on past information as well as judgment of well-informed experts. This often calls for a

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Studying chemical engineering in the united states Essay

Studying chemical engineering in the united states - Essay Example It is clear that most of the renowned institutions in the world are located in the US including Stanford, Harvard, Yale and John Hopkins University. Sadly, Kuwaiti universities do not enjoy a similar stature. I hope to study in the US because the society has persistently changed because employers are not accepting graduates from any learning institution. A degree from a university can be insignificant especially if it is not recognizable by universal employers and major institutions. Consequently, I saw it essential to choose US since its degrees are recognizable in the world because of their quality. Unlike the colleges in Kuwaiti, the accreditation of US colleges is dependent on the experience of their lecturers, educational structures and appraisal from major corporations. Leading corporations recruit excellent students from reputable organizations to become employees in their institutions. The organizations are confident the recruits present the best talent in the market. The universities in the US are attractive based on their diverse education system; thus, my desire to study in the country. The universities scout for tutors and professors from various backgrounds who are experts. Additionally, the students originate from different nationalities and cultural backgrounds. This allows them to share similar classrooms and living environments. I believe the diverse perspectives and knowledge of the students and professors add value to the quality of education. Consequently, I am likely to understand diverse viewpoints of the material presented during class when the students and tutors originate from diverse backgrounds. I believe a diverse educational setting presents unique opportunities to the students and tutors. Globalization enhances an individual’s capacity to interact with persons from different cultural settings. The experiences in the American universities will broaden my social and cross cultural

Monday, August 26, 2019

Sharing your Results Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sharing your Results - Assignment Example The methodology used in the research entailed a practical approach whereby raw results were used to formulate the hypothesis. In addition, evaluation of the companies’ profits in view of their production capacity indicated the need for companies to develop an effective marketing plan that will be able to capture either the entire market or a specific niche of customers. The research indicated that the two companies used marketing as a means to capture the target population for their products and services. It was also established that initial market research would provide the best alternative for the companies to obtain an in depth understanding of the market and buying trends. Another important aspect in controlling consumer behavior included the need to attract new customers and to retain them. Given that the companies sell similar products such as coffee, it is important for them to have an effective marketing plan that will create a diversified customer base. Starbucks is a coffeehouse chain and a global coffee company located in Seattle, Washington. The company was started in 1971 as a coffee bean roster and retailer and has grown rapidly over the time. It is one of the largest coffee companies in the world, with 13,049 in the USA while in other countries as China, Canada, Japan and the UK there are 1,909, 1,555, 1,089, and 927 stores respectively. Overseas stores constitute up to one third of the entire company indicating its wider geographical range to potential customers (Michelli, 2007). The company serves both hot and cold beverages including Whole-bean coffee, full-leaf teas, micro-ground instant coffee, pastries and snacks. Also, their evening locations offer a wide variety of beers, appetizers and wines after 4 pm. On the other hand, Costa Coffee is a multinational coffeehouse company based in Dunstable, United Kingdom. It is also a worldwide

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Social groups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social groups - Essay Example The podcasts portray targeted actions that cause immense psychological or even physical injuries to the victims. Just as with any other form of crime, the actions of the perpetrators did not only disregard the basic rights of the victims but also caused them varied forms of injuries. However, the listening process elicited a number of emotions beginning with anger especially after assuming the position of the people the various speakers discriminated. After listening to the experiences of the speakers a sense of guilt engulfed me because I have often prejudged others based on their physical appearance. Hate crimes have varied psychological effects both to the perpetrators and to the victims. Most victims often suffer from depression and anxiety among other psychological distress. Such victims may often acquire antisocial behavior while others may develop an equal measure of hatred for others thus decide to retaliate whenever possible. The psychological effects are varied and systemat ic. As explained earlier, hate crime affects the identity and self-esteem of the individual victims. The crime affects the minority group thus instigating a social disharmony in the society. The society acquires a systematic disruption as people form groups with people of similar identities. Listening to the seven sections of the broadcast presented the diverse nature of hate crime prevalent in the society. The section included racial discrimination, gender based discrimination and other prejudiced comments against individuals.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Colonial America between 1492-1763 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Colonial America between 1492-1763 - Essay Example King Philip’s War, also known as â€Å"Metacom’s Rebellion,† a war between the colonists of New England and the various tribes of the surrounding areas, was but one example of the clash of cultures between Native Americans and Europeans; however, it is significant in history as a clash of cultures for a number of reasons, including its number of casualties, the fact that there were no clear divisions along cultural lines, and that it marked the end of hope that the Native American could be integrated into European society in the New World. In 1675, the Wampanoag chief Metacom resolved to drive the settlers out of what he saw as his land. His father, Massasoit, had ruled with gentle wisdom during his time as sachem (chief) of the Wampanoag, going so far as to befriend the settlers and set up trade with them, but Metacom saw things differently.3 It was up to him, he felt, to drive the settlers off his lands, or else he would one day be left with nothing.4 He told E uropean authorities very simply, â€Å"I am determined not to live until I have no country.†5 The preceding years of peace and harmony, of trade and prosperity between settlers and Native Americans were quickly coming to an end. Ironically, this great conflict was almost avoided. A man by the name of John Sassamon, who had grown up as a Wampanoag but attended Harvard College where he had been given his English name, warned the governor of Plymouth Colony that Metacom had sent word to various tribes to gather and attack.6 Sassamon pleaded with the governor to be allowed to stay at Plymouth Colony, fearing revenge for his warning; the governor heartily dismissed him and sent him back to his tribe.7 This action would prove to be dire in starting the conflict between the two cultures. It did not take long for hostilities to come to a climax. Sassamon was discovered a week later, his body found in a frozen pond with the neck broken.8 The governor was alarmed, and recalling the war nings he had been given, decided to assert his authority over the Native Americans.9 When he received reports that it was two Wampanoag warriors that had been seen murdering Sassamon, he entered the village of Metacom, dragged the warriors back to Plymouth Colony, and had them tried and executed in short order.10 To Metacom, this was seen as a gross injustice of his power, and only served to reinforce his belief that the settlers intended one day to take over both his tribe and all lands.11 Revenge was the only option left, and therefore, it was the option that was taken. The attacks began immediately. First to fall was the southwestern Plymouth settlement of Swansea, which was quickly burned and the settlers driven off. 12 Over the next months, Metacom took his war to various tribes and settlements all around New England.13 Skirmishes and battles erupted within Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, with tribes rallying around both sides.14 More than twenty towns and settlem ents were attacked in Massachusetts alone.15 It would not be an exaggeration to say that everyone had chosen sides, both settler and Native

Friday, August 23, 2019

Environmental Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Environmental Ethics - Essay Example The term â€Å"unconsciously† is used to describe how widespread information is to any individual, however acquisition and grasping of said knowledge only a few dares to achieve; thus creating confusions not only to those who fail to understand but also to those who are not ‘abled’ to think. Luckily for those incapable, humans’ actions directly affect them no matter how they evade it. A great illustration of which is how much humans value nature nowadays. Organizations after organizations spring up waving their missions and objectives, fighting for what should’ve obviously been done decades ago, and teaching what each individual should have known since they started school, namely, environmental awareness. Knowing what to do and knowing what should be done are two different things. The latter requires researching while the former calls for action. Change is what should be done, and in order for it to progress people need to start from themselves. Proper waste disposal and pollution are only two of the many environmental concerns haunting each household every day. These two are the most common for these two give birth to the others and they are caused by people’s lack of discipline. Humans are the main contributor of wastes and pollution universe-wide. Waste disposal and pollution are the most critical environmental issues that need to be dealt with because not only do these two bring about the rest; they also have the easiest solution --- change in human behavior. Bearing in mind how beneficial it is not only for each household but for the entire world; if only people will finally learn the value of their environment, will greatly affect how people view these concerns thus making them realize that taking care of the environment is for their own good. Anthropocentrism is the easiest way of making human being realize how big their part in our environment. Using this point of view, they will be able to see

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Military leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Military leadership - Essay Example Military leadership is entirely different from other leaderships like organizational leadership or a nation’s leadership. In organizational or national leadership, both autocratic and democratic methods are prevailing whereas in military leadership, the scope for democratic style of functioning is zero. In other words, subordinates in militaries don’t have the authority to question the leadership styles or functioning of their superiors. This paper analyses military leadership and its various dimensions. Various dimensions of military leadership â€Å"Military leadership is the process of influencing others to accomplish the mission by providing purpose, direction, and motivation. Command is the authority a person in the military service lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of his rank and assignment† (Notes on Military Leadership, n. d). Power is an essential part of military leadership. It should be noted that power and influence are some of the major characteristics of a successful leader in every organization. The above fact is 100% true in the case of military leadership. Even though Adolf Hitler was a controversial leader, he was one of the perfect examples of military leaders who utilized power for effectively to lead their sides to victory. Hitler had not shown any mercy either to the enemies or to his fellow military men. In other words, both the enemies and the friends equally were afraid of Hitler and his power. Hitler was also successful in motivating his soldiers with the help of his oral skills and charismatic way of presenting things. In fact he motivated the entire German nation by saying that Germany had suffered a lot because of the Treaty of Versailles signed at the end of WW1. He educated the soldiers and the public that Germany lost their pride because of the above treaty and it is the duty of every German to work for regaining their lost pride. Hitler taught the soldiers that Germans are the most glorified pe ople in the world and they have the right to rule the entire world. In short, Hitler is an example for how well a military leader can use his power and generate motivation among the subordinates to accomplish military missions. Mentoring is used as a leadership development strategy in many of the current military training colleges. â€Å"Conceptually, mentoring is often described as a close, developmental relationship between experienced and less experienced individuals† (Sullivan, 1993). Experienced military leaders may have enormous experience in dealing with different types of difficult situations. Knowledge about such situations is necessary for the upcoming military leaders. Through mentorship, experienced military leaders transfer their knowledge and experience to their juniors so that junior leaders will be benefitted immensely while countering tough situations in future. Compared to other organizations, military produces great leaders more in number because of various reasons. â€Å"First, in all services, military leadership qualities are formed in a progressive and sequential series of carefully planned training, educational, and experiential events—far more time-consuming and expensive than similar training in industry or government† (Colonel Kolditz, 2009). It should be noted that military is an organization which is receiving huge funding for the training and development of soldiers. Both theoretical and practical aspects of

Rhetorical Analysis Franklin Delano Roosevelt Essay Example for Free

Rhetorical Analysis Franklin Delano Roosevelt Essay Yesterday, December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy. Those are the words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Those words will be eternally repeated when discussing the topic of Pearl Harbor. The words contained in this speech show his utter disdain pertaining to the attack on Pearl Harbor. The purpose of President Roosevelts Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation was to educate the nation on what had happened on December 7th. He also wanted to justify his reasons for needing to go to war with the Empire of Japan. Each and every word in this distinguished speech played on the emotions of the american people, and it provided significant support for his purpose. The powerful words Roosevelt used in the address gave strong support that grabbed the American peoples attention, and. One convincing statement he makes was when he said, The United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. Roosevelt wanted to be sure that the congress and the nation knew the facts behind the tragedy. In that short statement he informs the people that he had no idea that the attack was coming, in his words the attack came suddenly. He also tries to explain Americas relationship with Japan before the attack in this section, The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. That showed the American people what events had taken place prior to the disaster at Pearl Harbor. He wanted the people to know that he was under the impression that the two nations were at peace, and that they were nowhere near a state of war. Another purpose for the address was that Roosevelt wanted to justify going to war with the Empire of Japan. One such section of the speech was when Roosevelt said, The distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued  peace. Roosevelt tried to make his audience feel appalled by the actions of Japan in that excerpt. He wanted to show the audience that Japan was deliberately misleading the American People into having them believe that all they wanted was to make an effort for peace, when at the same time they were preparing for war. In the speech addressing the nation he stated that after the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor they did not stop their. They continued on to attack neighboring countries and city-states. He tried to convince the audience that not only the lives of the American people were at stake but the lives of surrounding countries that may not be able to defend themselves. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory, through this passage the president wanted to reassure his audience that if they did in fact go to war the end result would be that America will obtain absolute victory. The President not only wanted to educate the American people on the events that occurred, but he also wanted to reassure them if they did in fact go to war, they would come out victorious. Roosevelts striking words helped a nation recover from one of the greatest tragedies in the nations history. Roosevelt believed that through his words the nation would hold their ground and beat back any enemy that would come their way.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Review Of Intensive Farming Systems

Review Of Intensive Farming Systems The intensive farming systems of developed countries, such as United Kingdom seek to maximize yield through what is usually described by agricultural economists as Best Management Practice (BMP), which involves the most efficient use of all inputs, including fertilizers, herbicides, seed varieties, and precision agricultural techniques (Goulding et al, 2008). (BMP) Fertilizers have been central to this approach, which has resulted in a tremendous increase in productivity over that last 40 years. For example, the efficient use of improved fertilizers, combined with new varieties of wheat and the successful use of crop protection chemicals, has increased grain yields from 3 tons per hectare to approximately 10 to 11 tons per hectare today (Goulding et al, 2008). Moreover the current market economic incentives facing many farmers are likely to encourage excess fertilizer application (Scott, 2005). It is generally recognized that if eventually the adoption of market prices for most agric ultural goods without any subsidies became a reality, in order to be competitive with the lower production costs of developing countries in South America, Asia, Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, the pressure to intensify even the most UNITED KINGDOM intensive production systems will as well become reality despite the negative consequences on the environment (Goulding et al, 2008). The purpose of this study is to examine the socio-economic determinants of intensity of fertiliser application in non-organic cropland farms in England using a panel data model (panel data). The quantitative and behavioural studies in agriculture are frequently based on the notion that the family business is managed by a single decision-maker the person who exerts the financial and managerial control over the farm unit (Morris and Evans, 2004). This perspective derives from neoclassical economies and implies that decisions for the business are taken by a single entrepreneur (War and Lowe, 1994). However this study differs from much previous research into the estimation and clarification of the technical drivers responsible for fertilizer application by including variables that relate to both farmer characteristics and farm economic aspects. It will be followed an argument commonly accept in the literature that farmers tend to over-apply fertilizer from an agronomic perspective (i.e. , more than warranted to attain a given yield target) essentially given the uncertainty about environmental growing conditions (Sheriff, 1995; Scott, 2005). (apply mainly N). Nonetheless the author will have in mind that the fertilizer inputs into agricultural systems in the UNITED KINGDOM occur mainly via Nitrogen (Velthof et al., 1998) with the general objective to reduce the probability of poor yields and moreover increase the variance in profit. However, given the emergent apprehension with the impact of agriculture on environment and society, there has been a growing need to develop a more comprehensive definition of agriculture productivity (Pretty, 1998; Defra, 2002). Although government policies will not be addressed or recommended specifically, the author hopes to open a new channel for discussion. As Annan (2005) argues it is imperative to aim at a reasonable balance between the level of technical detail and the availability of meaningful data describing future development of new and improved categories of abatement options. Consequently contributing to reach the 10per cent inorganic fertilizer reduction by 2020 with consequent reductions in N2O emissions (Entec, 2004), and moreover contribute to UNITED KINGDOM reach the overall national target of 80per cent GHG reduction by 2050(ADAS, 2009).(reduce emissions) Agriculture and fertilizer Agriculture is one of the most successful sectors in terms of productivity growth, has outpaced the rapid growth in demand for its output for the past decades (Shaink el al, 2002). (agri success). This trend has provided hefty social benefits, such as increased the accessibility of agricultural goods usually at a lower price, provision of jobs and therefore rural sustainability, energy and also positive environmental effects, such as aesthetic value, carbon sequestration by soils and trees, and other additional benefits that are linked with good husbandry such as maintenance of natural habitats and countryside landscape (Shaink et al,2002; Scott, 2005) (social benefits / positive extern). However, is largely referenced in literature that the increased use of chemicals either fertilisers or pesticides in agriculture intensive systems is associated with hidden costs due to environmental pollution in soil, water and atmosphere -, consequently has amplified the negative social effects o n the natural environment (eg. Shaink et al,2002; Scott,2005 ) (pollution1). This argument is supported by an analysis of the externalities from UNITED KINGDOM agriculture made by Hartridge and Pearce (2001), finding that negative externalities amount to at least  £1 billion, and positive externalities offset approximately half of these negative effects (negative/positive external). Farmers and fertilizer application The main question rises once more, what are the fertilizer application determinants? For a typical farm manager, output is what matters most to the business survival and prosperity. Consequently, farmers apply fertilisers since they represent personal benefits in the form of improved outputs and incomes, however plants absorb fertilisers just up to their needs only, therefore surplus fertiliser over and above the needs of plants can cause harmful side effects (Scott, 2005) either on the farm profit or in the environment. (more/less fert plant). A given agricultural input bundle might result in wide diverse output levels according to the level at which random factors operate (Gallacher, 2001) (input output). Rounsevell and Reay (2009) clarify the previous argument stating that land use and therefore fertilizer application changes are driven primarily by farmer decisions, which are affected by the economic environment (output and input prices), soil features, crop and livestock yields, timeliness of field operations, availability of investment capital, subsidies as well as the socio-cultural attributes of individual farmersThe first driver is clearly an agronomic argument, since agronomists agree that crop nutrient uptake is higher in years with good growing conditions (Babcock, 1992), therefore if a farmer applies the optimal amount of fertilizer for mean growing conditions, and in a particular year those conditions are better than expected, there will be too little fertilizer and decrease in production. On other hand if weather conditions are not conducive, there will be too much fertilizer (Sheriff, 2005), thus a risk-neutral farmer applies fertilizer at a higher rate as long as the expected gain in profit from the increased yield is higher than the expected loss in profit from wasted fertilizer. Another hypothesis is proposed by Rajsic and Weersink (2008). They argue that while there may be agreement on the functional form of crop response to fertilizer, there will be differences in the optimal rate between locations. Numerous studies have reported that the maximum economic nitrogen rate varies spatially and that the degree of variability can be substantial (Carr et al., 1991). As a consequence there is a need to analyze the spatial variations in order to state the yield potential of the field and/or region, the underlying assumption is that yield potential is directly linked to the productivity of nitrogen, so fields with higher estimated output receive higher rates of fertilizer (Rajsic and Weersink 2008). Dai et al (1993), however, found that nitrogen and soil quality are complements, and soil quality uncertainty and nitrogen availability are linked which will increase nitrogen demand and consequently nitrogen input. Additionally Rajsic (2008), Sheriff (2005) and also Dai el al (1993) argue that one of the main causes for over-fertilisation might be related to the uncertainty about weather and soil characteristics that can lead both risk-averse and risk-neutral farmers to over-apply nutrients, therefore the decision to apply a little extra just in case is particularly appropriate if the cost of over-application is low compared to the cost of under application (Rajsic, 2008) (a little extra risk averse). This idea is supported by Sherriff (2005), arguing that farmers will apply more fertilizer than a crop can use due to a perception that the general recommendations are not appropriate for their individual situations. Smill (1999) argues that the application of N is fairly inefficient in most farms, since farmers are applying nitrogen at levels that exceed those suggested by either government extension services or by the optimal nitrogen appliance (Rajsic and Weersink, 2008) (N inefficiency). Approximately half of Nitrogen applied during a growing sea son is typically recovered in the crop biomass throughout that season, therefore this inefficiency represents a noteworthy cost to farmers and an important consequences for ecosystem and human health as Nitrogen moves beyond the farm level in several aqueous or gaseous forms, such as N2O(Matson et al., 1997, 1998; Galloway, 1998). In practice evidence suggests that farmers systematically over-estimate the impact of additional nitrogen relative to agronomists models and therefore they maintain their beliefs after seeing results from experimental plots (SriRamaratnam et al., 1987). If farmers perceptions are incorrect, these beliefs will lead to over-application, conversely if their sensitivity is correct, analysts may infer excess nutrient applications where none exist. Thus if weather, the relation between fertiliser prices and output prices and soil features are not main and/or the only drivers behind fertiliser application, which characteristics does the farmer have to apply more or less fertiliser compared to those with the same features and constraints? The effect of fertilizers on the environment The relatively cheap price of Nitrogen in relation to its yield improvement benefits, and allowing farmers substantial management flexibility, has been a central contributory factor in determining its overuse and consequently the environmental impacts reported below. It is known that Agricultural emissions of nitrous oxide have fallen by 13 per cent over the 10 years up to 2005 and the trend is continuing (DEFRA, 2007).However despite this reduction in the UNITED KINGDOM and other major developed countries, the major direct emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) are from agriculture methane (CH4) caused by enteric fermentation by ruminant livestock and manure management, and nitrous oxide (N2O) from soils (Gibbons, 2005). Additionally methane has a global warming potential 21 times greater than carbon dioxide while nitrous oxide global warming potential (GWP) is considered 296 times that of the same mass of carbon dioxide (Houghton et al., 2001), consequently fairly small concentrations of this gas are sufficient to induce drastic changes in the atmosphere. At current estimates N2O contributes about 7 per cent of the greenhouse gas emissions in terms of the GWP (Winiwarter, 2005). As a result, among the gases considered by the Kyoto Protocol, N2O i s ranked third in importance behind carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) (Winiwarter, 2005). Seinfeld and Pandis (1998) add that N2O is a very stable compound in the atmosphere, with a mean lifetime of 120 years, so the emissions will have an effect on the global concentrations in the atmosphere for many decades. The same authors argue that N2O is able to strongly absorb infrared light, thus it also exerts a considerable effect on the earths radiation absorption. Therefore is obvious the magnitude of nitrogen fertilization emissions has a dramatic effect on the environment. Approximately 1per cent of the anthropogenic Nitrogen input into agricultural systems is emitted as nitrous oxide, with agriculture as a whole contributing to 66per cent of total UNITED KINGDOM nitrous oxide emissions in 2006, 95per cent of it via direct emissions from agricultural soils (IPCC, 2006). In addition, fertiliser manufacturing is energy-intensive (Rounsevell and Reay, 2009). Carbon dioxide emissions from ammonia production most of which is for fertiliser use made up 0.3per cent (1.6 million tonnes) of UNITED KINGDOM CO2 emissions in 2006 (DEFRA, 2006). Nitrogenous fertiliser consumption in the UNITED KINGDOM increased by nearly 300 per cent between 1961 and the late 1980s, regardless of the decline in agricultural land area (roughly 15per cent in the same time interval) indicating a large increase in application rates per unit area of land over this period (Rounsevell and Reay, 2009). As stated previously, fertiliser Nitrogen consumption gradually declined after 1990, reaching a rate of around 1.2 million tonnes per year in 2006 (DEFRA, 2008). As Smil (2000, 2001) argues, Nitrogen (N) is a key input in agriculture, therefore we cannot simply exclude or limit the application of it to meaningless values. We should instead open a new channel of discussion in order to improve or formulate new policies in an enhanced cost-efficient way that decreases damaging effects on the environment and improves farms profits. This can only be achieved if each of determinants of fertilizer application are well understood. Project scope UNITED KINGDOM agricultural features UNITED KINGDOM land use is still largely dominated by agriculture. In June 2008 about 77 per cent of the total land area of the UNITED KINGDOM, which represents approximately 18.8 million hectares, was used for agriculture proposes (DEFRA, 2008). This proportion is relatively large compared with the average of 50 per cent in the EU27, and 54per cent, 47per cent and 50per cent for France, Germany and Spain, respectively (Angus et al, 2009). Despite these figures, agricultures contribution to GDP and employment in the UNITED KINGDOM is low, at about 0.5per cent and 1.8per cent respectively (DEFRA, 2009). Of this area, about 28 per cent is allocated to arable cropping, including fallow land, and 67 per cent to grassland, mostly permanent pastures, and 58 per cent (10.2 million hectares) is considered lowland, defined as land less than 240m above sea level. (Angus et al, 2009). In England due to patterns of agricultural land constraints relative to soils and topography features, the majo r concentration of grassland and livestock farming is located in the North and West, and arable farming in the East and South (Angus et al, 2009). Consequently, the largest farms in the UNITED KINGDOM are concentrated in southern and eastern England (Ward, 2000). The agricultural sector in the UNITED KINGDOM is composed of over 300,000 holdings, varying widely in size and type, employing an assortment of different farming practices and use of inputs such as soil and water as well as fertilizers, land and waste management (DEFRA, 2009). One common aspect among the major countries in the EU is that the farming population is getting older. Eurostat show in 2000 that in UNITED KINGDOM only 5.2 per cent of farmers were under 35 years old, compared to 7.4 percent in 1990. The absolute number of under 35s had fallen over the last decade by 6,000 which represents more than one third. Over the same period, the proportion of holders with 65 years old and over had risen from 22.1per cent to 25 .3per cent (DEFRA, 2007). Regarding the educational level, between 1990 and 2005 there has been almost no change to the overall proportions, roughly three quarters of farmers have no formal agricultural training, with the remaining 25per cent equally divided between the higher education levels (DEFRA, 2007). Another important point relates to the fact that 38per cent of managers of the largest farms have proper agricultural education compared to just 7 per cent on the smallest farms (DEFRA, 2007). Personal Characteristics effects on farm efficiency In modern agriculture there is an increasing need to produce policy evaluation studies in order to be acquainted with the major drivers behind the decisions made by farmers within a socio-demographic context. Numerous studies that have identified a significant variation in the physical and financial performance achieved by farmers operating within the same economic and environmental constraints (Wilson et al, 2001;Rougoor et al, 1998). Therefore, it is pertinent to inquire the reason why this variation occurs. Kay and Edwards (1994) argue that in many occasions the variation in management is the cause of performance fluctuation (farm management). However, unlike physical factors of production (e.g. land, labour, and capital) management is not directly observable, consequently this causes difficulties to any analysis that attempts to explain the management influence on farm performance. Rougoor et al. (1998) defined management capacity into two components: personal feature (e.g., drives, motivations, social factors and education) and features of the decision-making process (e.g., procedures in planning, implementation and control of decisions). Moreover, it is argued that the decision-maki ng process is obviously influenced by the link of the factors stated above, and if any of them is excluded the cause of farm efficiency variation might be incorrectly measured (Wallace, 1974; Kay and Edwards, 1994; Poggi-Varaldo, 1998;Rougoor et al, 1998; Wilson et al, 2001) . Rougoor et al. (1998) highlights the argument that a manager may hold beneficial personal skills however fails to accomplish high performance due to a poor decision-making process. Previous research made by Huffman (1974) found a positive impact of human capital on allocative efficiency in agriculture. In particular, these authors argued that education diminishes the time needed to adjust to changes in production options and/or price ratios. An additional factor that might explain the farm efficiency variation is the farmers age. Burton (2009) emphasises the strength of age as an indicator since age reflects the level of experience which might be a complement or even a substitute of education. In order to demonstrate the significance of education in this subject, Lockhead et al (1981) presented a detailed survey of studies analysing the effect of farmer education on farm management efficiency using the results from 37 data sets, investigating the effect of institutional education and non-formal education. They concluded that in 31 of these data sets, institutional education was found to have a positive and significant effect, and 8 of which provided evidence th at non-formal education was also significantly positively related to productivity. An additional reason for more efficient input and output combinations being attained by more educated farmers is given by Welch (1978) and further by Gallacher (2001), both arguing that optimum firm size is correlated with education as it relates to optimum scale of production, usually the higher education level obtained, the larger the size of the farm being managed. In this study, it will be exploit formal education as one of the explanatory causes in the possible efficiency dissimilarity between two or more farms with the same constraints, due to the difficulty in accurately measuring non-formal education. However, the author is conscious that the final outcome might be ambiguous since these two forms of education are usually complements (Lockhead, 1981; Mook, 1981; Asfaw, 2004). Data Source Farm Business Survey The FBS is widely recognised as the most comprehensive and independent survey of farm incomes and provides an authoritative data source on the economic and physical performance of farm businesses in England and Wales. It is undertaken each year by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the National Assembly for Wales (NAW). In England, the survey is conducted by a consortium of seven FBS Research Centres Universities of Cambridge, Newcastle upon Tyne, Nottingham and Reading, and Askham Bryan, Duchy and Imperial Colleges, led by the University of Nottingham. Its members work in partnership, using uniform standard practices in reporting their findings to ensure consistent data quality, accuracy and validity. The principal function of the Farm Business Survey (FBS) is to inform the UNITED KINGDOM Government and EU agricultural policy makers of the current financial state of the different sectors of UNITED KINGDOM farming. The FBS also provides full management accounting data on the agricultural activities of farm businesses, location, physical and environmental characteristics of the farm and several measures of non-agricultural activity, such as farm household characteristics. The survey uses a sample of farms that is representative of the national population of farms in terms of farm type, farm size and regional location. Since 2005/06 approximately 2400 individual farms took part in this survey of which roughly 2000 are English (the rest being from Wales). Results are compiled using accredited documents and personal interviews and written up into Farm Business Survey yyyy/yy. .

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Motivation Theories: Maslows Hierarchy

Motivation Theories: Maslows Hierarchy It is interesting to learn more about motivation because it has a long way to grow a business. First of all, motivation can be explained in simple terms as desire or willingness to do something; enthusiasm: keep staff up to date and maintain interest and motivation (Oxford dictionaries online, 2012). Motivation can be defined as Motivation is a reflection of the reasons why people do things. All behavior is therefore based on choice-people choose to do things that they do (Richard, 2007, p553). Moreover, Cole states that Motivation is the term used to describe those processes, both instinctive and rational, by which people seek to satisfy the basic drives, perceived needs and personal goals, which trigger human behavior. (Cole, 1995, p119).The motivation is one of the employer needs which encourage him to be more loyal and work with more enthusiasm. Motivation theories Maslows Hierarchy Maslows theory relates motivation to a hierarchy of needs with basic needs at the bottom and higher needs at the top as in Figure 1. The first level is the physiological needs such as food, housing and clothingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦is it enough to allow you to enjoy life. The second level is safety needs it is needs for stable environment relatively free from threats and it is security that your job is safe and secure that your working condition are safe. The fourth level is love and belonging it is being recognized for doing your job well, for example a feeling of belonging with your colleagues they support you and communicate with you. The fifth level is self-actualisation it is being promoted and more responsibility also given the chance and the scope to develop new ideas. ( Richard,2007,p557, from class) Maslow argued that there was a relationship between the different classes, the needs at the bottom of the hierarchy are basic and they need to be satisfied before a person can move on to the next level. For example an individual has not eaten; he or she feels hungry and as a response he or she eats and diminishes feelings of hunger so he or she cannot work well before this need is satisfied. Maslows theory became an early useful framework for discussions about what people needs may experience ate work also the ways in which their motivation can help them to meet managers. One criticism of this theory is that systematic movement up the hierarchy does not seem to be a consistent form of behaviour for many people. Figure 1: Hierarchy of needs (GOOGLE) Taylors Scientific Taylors motivation theory is created in 1911 and this theory is called a scientific management theory, thats mean a relation between science and management at the organization of work. According to Taylors research motivation thinks that money is the first thing which motivates people to work. But give to the employers some promotion and time to think about them self can help them to improve and work more seriously. Taylor believed that monetary reward was an important motivating factor. This is known as piece work. He lined how much money a person earned to how much the produced in a day. Their output was linked to a piece rate if people worked hard and produced a lot that day they would earn a lot of money, if they didnt work hard and didnt produce much they would not earn a lot of money that day. (From class) There are some problems with Taylors approach. He treats people as machine rather than as humans. He assumes that people are only interested in getting money from work in fact people want other things from work, a service of achievement, friendships with colleagues and work fulfills more than just monetary needs. Elton Mayo Elton Mayo (1880-1949) participated in Human relations Movement. He contributed with the social research performed at the Hawthorne plant of the Western Electric Company in Chicago, USA, between 1927 and 1932, and named the Hawthorne Studies. Elton Mayo is considered as the founder of the human relations movement. He was working on some studies concerning fatigue; accidents and labor turnover at work when he was approached by executives of the Western Electric Company for advice. The studies were conducted over several years in a number of different stages, as follows: first stage (1924-1927). This was carried out by the companys own staff under the direction of Messrs Pennock and Dickson. This stage was performed with respect to the effects of lighting on output. One group, had a consistent level of lighting, the other group had its lighting varied. The experimental group productivity increase even when the lighting was reduced to a low level. Stage two (1927-1929) is to make more d etailed study of the effects of differing physical conditions on productivity. In this research the separated six women working in the relay assembly section from the rest and they give them rest pauses and lunch times different in timing and in length. The result was that their productivity increased in better and worse conditions. The women productivity increased because they were the center of attention.(Cole,2004,p33) Mayo suggested that motivation at work was promoted by such factors as: -a good communication with the employer -a good teamwork which the employer feel relaxed -showing interest in others -ask the other before to make a decision -ensuring the wellbeing of other -ensuring work is interesting and non-repetitive Mayo believe that motivation encourage employer to work more and to choose their position in the work. 1-4 Herzberg Herzberg concentrated on satisfaction and dissatisfaction at work. His theory is sometimes called the two-factor theory which divided into: -Motivators factors or satisfiers for example: work itself, responsibility, achievement. -Hygiene factors or dissatisfies for example salary, company policy, working conditions.(Cole,2004,p37) The factors of motivators are all related to the actual content of the work place and job responsibilities. The hygiene factors are good or adequate will not in themselves make the person satisfied, by ensuring that they are indeed adequate. In other part, where these aspects are bad, extreme dissatisfaction was reported by all respondents. The work of Herzberg has tended to encourage attention to such as factors as: Suitable supervision which encourages the labor force rather than restricts it. Job enlargement programs, job enrichment and job satisfaction which can often be increased through work restructuring. The setting and achieving of targets and objectives. In order to manage the two-factor approach to motivation effectively, attention in the following areas: -A management style, attitude and approach to staff, trust and honesty, limitations or technology concerned in the work itself. -General factors of status, believed in, given opportunities for change and development of the organization. -staff has a good relationship between each other that is facilities the successful of the activities within organization.(Pettinger,2007,p560) David McClelland McClelland (1961) and his colleagues have examined how people think and their work led them to identify three categories of human need which are: Need for affiliation: to develop and maintain interpersonal relationships. Need for achievement : to show successful task results and take personal responsibility Need for power: to be able to influence and control others and to shape events. (Boddy,2002,p399) McClelland secluded need for achievement as a main human motive, and one that is influenced strongly by personality and by environment. Humans with a high need of achievement seem to have characteristics such as: their need for achievement is consistent, they seek tasks in which they can exercise personal responsibility, they prefer tasks which present a challenge without being too difficult and which they see as within their mastery and they want feedback on their results. Also they are less concerned about their social or affiliation needs. McClelland realized that the need for achievement is affected by education, childhood experiences and culture background. Therefore designing helping programmes can help increase the achievement motive in employees at work place. Using motivation theories in business It is important when doing investigative work, especially about motivation, that we remember that the existing theories on human behavior are just that theories. Theories are there to be challenged. Over a period of time, theories come and go. Just because you read one theory does not mean to say it is exactly what happens or that is how humans behave. As time passes and we gain new knowledge, theories may become totally discredited. The identification of the fact that business organisations employ people because of the contribution they make to production. In return for that contribution, people receive money in the form of a wage or salary.The successful of business start from the motivation theory for example if a firm can motive its employees after that it can improve employee morale and increase productivity then the business will be enhance. (bized, 2012). Motivation within the institution is when leaders encourage their subordinates to accomplish their tasks and provide a sui table environment in which they feel able to work. Employees give of themselves to change the work environment, considering each as an employee in order to ensure the proper functioning of the company so that its resources are fully optimized. Ensure that the tasks well paid because employees are a Family Company that is why they are the first team success, in order to generate intense harmony between all members of the institution to create its own culture the company. This allows the institution to stand very well on the socio-economic and financial institution made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹him guaranteed future periods, since everyone is projected to a plane that is the health of the firm as the short, medium and long term. (Memoire online, 2012) The successful of business start from the motivation theory for example if a firm can motive its employees after that it can improve employee morale and increase productivity then the business will be enhance as in figure2: Figure2 (Madura,2007) A firm may not be able to motivate some employees, regardless of its efforts or the methods used to motivate them. If not form of motivation is effective, the threat of being fired may serve as a last resort to motivate these employees. Firms can enhance job satisfaction and therefore motivate employees by providing: an adequate compensation program, which aligns compensation with performance; job security; employee involvement programs and a flexible work schedule. A firms decisions regarding the motivation concepts summarized here affect its performance, if a firm can motivate its employees, it can improve employee morale and increase productivity. While there are many motivation theories, the proper form of motivation varies with the firms characteristics and may even vary among employees.(Madura,2007) Example of company using a motivation theories Case study: Kelloggs Kelloggs created in 1898 from W.K. Kellogg, and his brother, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg and this company produced the delicious recipe for Kelloggs Corn Flakes. In 2006, The Kellogg Company celebrated its 100-year commitment to nutrition, health and quality. In this time e Kellogg Company is the worlds leading producer of breakfast cereals. Its products are manufactured in 18 countries and sold in more than 180 countries also it has been a leader in health and nutrition. The most important of success the company it return from adapt the motivation theory. Kelloggs culture supports its role as a good employer. Employees are encouraged to speak positively about each other when focusing on their strength. The creating of a great place to work for Kelloggs is supported by the motivation theory. First of all Kelloggs adapt the motivation theory of Maslow by every employee is motivated to work through each of 5 levels and its positive effects for each employee and the company for instance: In physiological needs: Kelloggs offers competitive salaries this helps people to acquire the basic needs for living. Also Kelloggs gives people a childcare vouchers, cash alternatives to company cars and discounted life assurance schemes. These things help workers to be motivated and to be loyal to the company. In safety needs: Kelloggs securities the safety of all employees. The company is responsible to give a safe and healthy work environment to prevent accidents. Kelloggs also offers employees a range of working patterns. For example some may want to work part-time others may want career breaks or undertake homeworking. This will be a variety of options for the employees in a healthy work-life balance. In social needs: Kelloggs operates weekly group huddles. These provide opportunities for employees to receive information on any part of the business, including sales data and company products. Kelloggs positively recognizes and rewards staff achievements. In self-actualization: Kelloggs supplies employees with the possibility to take stimulating responsibilities and on challenging. This is helpful to the employees to develop and improve. For example: Laura Bryant joined Kelloggs in 2002 after fished her university. She joined the Field Sales team initially that help her to visit five to ten supermarkets a day to develop relationships at a local level. After two years she was promoted to Customer Marketing Manager at Head Office. This helped to increase her profile as she wanted to move into marketing. By encouraging from her manager, Laura made the transition from Sales to Marketing as Assistant Brand Manager on Rice Krispies and Frosties. In 2009 she was promoted again to manage the marketing plan for Special K and she is now Brand Manager for Kelloggs Cornflakes. The company has helped motivate her to raise the hierarchy of needs and achieve her career ambitions. In the second part Kelloggs adapt the motivation of Taylor for example many employees are motivated by cash alternatives which include the opportunity to buy and sell their holiday days. Also Taylors theory breaks down jobs into specialist tasks through the division of labor and this is corresponds to large companies like Kelloggs. Also the staffs of the company are encouraged to be creative and use their imagination to contribute towards change. In the third part, Kelloggs apply the motivation theory of Mayo in keeps a two-way dialogue with employees through its communication programs. This is helpful to allow the workforce. Kelloggs has kind of dialogue recording for communication like this one: Here at Kelloggs listening is a central premise of the way we work. We believe that our employees have some of the best ideas and that a successful company is one that listens to the grass roots feedback and acts on it. Any employee can raise an issue or a suggestion via their rep who will raise it at one of their monthly meetings. (Sue Platt, HR Director) The Kelloggs suggestion box scheme helps to improve productivity and making business a great place to work. Also Kelloggs helps to generate ideas and has an initiative called Snap, Crackle and Save an employee suggestion scheme to save costs within the supply chain. For example a lot of ideas have been put forward over the last couple of years. One idea suggested that one thickness of cardboard could be used for packaging in all manufacturing plants in Europe. This saved around  £250,000 per year. Kelloggs helps personal development planning for employees which includes provisions such as study leave as part of staff development. This reinforces staff commitment and their sense of being treated well. In the fourth part, Kelloggs adapt the motivation theory of Herzberg by developed a number of motivating factors. For example this company has a Fit for Life program offering to the employees access to fitness centers, annual fitness assessments by healthcare specialists every spring and free health checks. It also provides a summer hours from May to September so if employees have worked a lot of hours they can adjust their working hours to balance their work against family or lifestyle commitments. This motivation is related to Herzberg because in the workplace he want to give individuals job satisfaction These include, for example, promotion or recognition for effort and performance also the level of responsibility of the job. . Herzberg believed that businesses needed to ensure hygiene factors were minimised in order to enable motivators to have their full effect, because hygiene factors make the employees in the work place feel unhappy. This motivation from Herzberg helps Kellogg s to build a business that delivers consistently strong results. For example: Home working, part-time working, flextime and job sharing. Subsidized access to local facilities or on-site gyms Parental leave, career breaks, time off for depends and paternity and maternity. This an example of employee works with Kelloggs: Claire Duckworth works in the Consumer Insight team at Kelloggs. She takes part in Latin American ballroom dancing competitively with her partner. They are ranked 7th in England in the over-35 category. Flexible working at Kelloggs enables her to travel to events and provides her with the opportunity to pursue her hobby at a serious level. This opportunity to adjust her working life to accommodate her personal ambitions makes Claire feel respected and supported. Also the Kelloggs sales team meets every Friday morning to share success stories of the week. Analyze This case study illustrates the range of different motivation measures in practice at Kelloggs. It demonstrates that highly motivated employees can improve efficiency, output and quality for a business. Kelloggs is able to make work a more profitable and competitive business also more exciting and interesting experience for employees whilst creating a more productive. Conclusion: The importance of Motivation Theory Motivation at work is the taste that the subject has to do, the extent to which it involves, perseverance, continuity of effort he agrees. Motivation resulting from the satisfaction, it is important to specify certain criteria which are:  · The work itself,  · The economic level it provides,  · Relations in which he bathes. Operation depends as much on human motivational balance and satisfaction of the tension on the search for new tensions, thus some form of imbalance, for example, when a project (cognitive or social) is the subject humans often developed another action project, he tries to carry and so on. Arguably enhancing cognitive and social activities is their own creation and not in an external object. Turning your dissertation into a 2:1 Turning your dissertation into a 2:1 Title: Dissertation Copy Writing. How to turn your dissertation from a 2:2 to a 2:1 When you are given your first piece of coursework as an undergraduate, you are also given (or should be) a copy of the marking criteria which will be applied when your work is assessed. Although by the time you reach the point of writing a dissertation you will be approaching the culmination of a course of study, the same basic judgements will be made. Of course, there is always a margin allowed for tutors and lecturers to apply their own judgement, it is never simply a ‘numbers game’, and the dissertation you present will always be marked by more than one person, but basically the same criteria will be applied at whatever level you are working. So, how do you raise your dissertation from the mediocrity which is represented by a 2:2, to the degree of excellence represented by a 2:1? Essentially, the difference in terms of actual marks is often minute: a 2:2 would normally be the result of a mark between 50% and 59%, whereas a 2:1 represents a mark between 60% and 69%. Look at the borders here, not the maximum of each: the difference between a 2:2 and a 2:1 could be as little as 2%. In reality, however, this is rarely the case. Your work will be marked interpretively and therefore in order to be sure of upping that grade, you need a comfortable difference not a borderline one. Approach this logically and you will see that you need to consider how your work can be improved in each of the applicable criteria in order to raise your grade and you should think about this from the outset. Before you begin your dissertation, look carefully at the marking criteria and note where the differences between a 2:2 and a 2:1 lie. You’ll notice that the criteria for either a 2:2 or 2:1, requires the following: Understanding of the question Identifying the major themes The ability to develop a well-structured argument The inclusion of supplementary evidence from primary texts, correctly referenced A strong conclusion A bibliography using the referencing style of your academic institution. Having probably been in academic life for some time before attempting a dissertation you should be thinking ‘this is all pretty standard’ and if you are not, then that 2:1 is just a dream because the way to turn a 2:2 into a 2:1 is down to your ability to recognise just where each of these basic requirements needs to be expanded. In general, the key differences between a 2:2 and a 2:1 exist in the depth of research and the quality of analysis. That being the case you should focus on your level of research and your analytical ability to improve your grade. Also, this ability to research and analyse must be linked seamlessly to your argument. To earn a 2:1 you must make your points cogently and show that you have expanded your reading beyond the merely required towards the comprehensive. A good way of doing this is to look at the bibliographies of a primary text because you will then be using a credible source to develop your research base. From here, you can begin to analyse, i.e. literally take apart and comment critically on the evidence so that it informs your dissertation argument and never at any point appears separate from the central themes. A 2:1 dissertation reflects a much deeper level of thought than a 2:2, which is why it is the minimum requirement of most respected universities in order to carry out post-graduate research. However, even within the 2:1 there are divisions of which you should be aware in order that you are sure of your 2:1, rather than hoping just to scrape through. In other words, you need to be aiming for a mark in the region of 65% to 69%. To achieve this, you need to demonstrate: that you can not only develop an argument but that you have anticipated some of the possible challenges to it that your reading goes beyond the basic in both collation and coherence that your analysis has added to your argument and developed your thinking that you have produced a conclusion that does more than just summarise your argument but also provides a genuine synthesis of wide-ranging yet focussed thought. Remember, that the award of a 2:1 grade reflects on the level of excellence of the academic institution to which you belong as much as you so it will not be given lightly but that, of course, is what makes it worth having, isn’t it? How to turn your dissertation from a 2:1 to a First Class In order to preserve their quality benchmark, most universities strictly limit the number of First Class degrees that they award and this is reflected in the assessment of a First Class dissertation. When you think about it, you wouldn’t really want it any other way because the expansion of the number would devalue the inherent status that achieving a First Class degree carries and the key to this is the ability to research and write a First Class dissertation. For this reason, if for no other, you need to work not only harder to achieve a First Class dissertation grade but also in a very specific way. Let’s examine precisely how by taking the structuring of a First Class dissertation step by step. You will have at your disposal a marking scheme with which by the stage in your academic career when you are required to write a dissertation, you should be very familiar. You need, now, to look at this more closely, even analytically, than you have ever done before, so that you isolate the features which separate the wider excellence of the 2:1 from the specific excellence of the First. Looking closely at the marking levels, you will instantly see that it would be theoretically possible to achieve a First Class dissertation grade by gaining a mark that is anything over 70%. In practice, however, you will more often than not be literally competing for a First against your fellow students because the university might often decide in abstract how many Firsts it ultimately intends to award and your dissertation is a crucial part of this. Therefore, you must ensure that your dissertation stands out from the rest and rather than just edging into the 70s reaches closer to 80%. The basics should not need to be stated if you are aiming at the highest level with your dissertation so let’s take it has read that you will write well, argue coherently, reference appropriately and correctly and provide a convincing conclusion; even to get a 2:2 you would need all of these to be present. Therefore, it is not on that you should focus for a First but on other factors, not called for in the lower levels, even the 2:1: this extra something is rooted in the demonstration of research abilities beyond the obvious and the ability to find the original in the familiar. In other words, a First Class dissertation will display not only wide reading but also an innovative approach to both the interpretation of the research and its application. Your thoughts need to be both critical and original and whilst the first of these may be familiar, the second will be less so because in all probability you will not have been required to display originality until now. Indeed, you m ay have been actively discouraged from allowing your own thoughts to enter into your work, as most academic work encourages you to take an objective view rather than a subjective one. You now need to forget that to some extent and begin to allow your personal perspective to enter your work. Of course, you still need to present a balanced argument, well supported by strong evidence in the form of wide and yet focussed reading, but you must now also add to this the evident ability to detect and develop a nuance so that it becomes a uniquely significant imperative in your work that separates it from the work of others. Above all, to obtain a First Class grade for your dissertation, you need to display a scholarly approach, together with an individualistic but grounded and viable methodology which includes evidence of innovation and independent thinking. This is of course a very difficult task, especially if you are working in a very familiar field. Most of the original lines of approach may appear to have been developed already but this will not be the case. There is not a single topic on which the last word has been said and if you can find and develop an original line of thought which you can support with a strong argument and comprehensive research, then that prized First Class dissertation is within your grasp, all you have to do is go for it! How to turn your dissertation from a First Class to an Upper First Class The one word with which you need to engage in order to achieve an Upper First Class dissertation is originality. Everything else that you need to accomplish should be second nature to you at this level and what you want now is to demonstrate how your thinking will add to the body of thought on the subject. Indeed, the development of a First Class dissertation to an Upper First Class dissertation may be said to rest if not exactly solely then certainly heavily upon this aspect of your work. One of the main reasons for this, is that the vast majority of Upper First Class dissertations are later developed into theses for post graduate research, may indeed already be part of it, and as the excellence of a university’s research, from its staff as well as students, is the way in which it is ultimately judged in the academic world, it is clear that this grade will not be freely awarded. Therefore, if you are hoping to achieve this level, you will need considerable intellectual insigh t combined with an innovative approach. Clearly, the fundamental basis of an Upper First Class dissertation is wide ranging research but you should approach this from the first with an eye to discovering a new approach, something that has not been explored before and that further research will help to develop into a significant contribution to the topic you are studying. This is both challenging and exciting as you have the chance to contribute to a topic for which your attraction has been demonstrated by your having chosen to study it in the first place and reached the level that you have. Also, as has already been mentioned, what you identify as areas of possible future research in this dissertation may well be the basis for further study and you should incorporate this into your dissertation as a fundamental part of its structure throughout, if you are going to achieve an Upper First Class grade, which in most cases will require you to gain over 80% as your final mark. As research is so vital at this level, it is worth taking a little time to explain how you should go about it when preparing your Upper First Class dissertation. As with the research for lower grades, you should, of course, first consult the primary sources. Every field has its experts and in your search for innovation, you should not overlook the established. However, whilst you are assembling evidence from what has been said, the Upper First Class dissertation student will be looking just as vitally for what has been omitted. Ask yourself the following as you read: What is this expert saying? Does this expert cover the topic comprehensively? Are there any areas of particular interest to me which are absent? Can my research develop this further? Has anyone else covered the thinking which I believe to be original? By breaking down your research into this critical approach, you are beginning to work in the way that is needed to obtain an Upper First Class grade for your dissertation. It should also be remarked that the level of fluid and cohesive argument that you will need to produce in order to achieve an Upper First Class grade for your dissertation must be beyond reproach. There must, of course, be no errors in either the presentation or the structure and careful proof-reading is essential. Also, you must in no way sacrifice the logical and reasoned coherence of your argument to the quest for originality. There is little point in exploring a nuance you have discovered if your basic argument is flawed. Therefore, before you expand your writing and research ensure that you have covered the basics of the topic. Remember that ultimately what is required to achieve an Upper First Class grade for your dissertation is innovative thought coupled with a well-argued central discussion. The conclusions you draw are also a fundamental part of an Upper First Class dissertation as is a comprehensive bibliography so don’t leave either your conclusion or your bibliogr aphy until the last minute. Give both the importance they deserve in your dissertation and you will leave your assessor with the desired impression: that they have read an Upper First Class piece of work which is, of course, precisely what you want and which, by following this brief guide, you will have every chance of achieving.